Question:Some of the persimmons you shipped look diseased - the bark is really rough, especially near the bud union.


Answer: There are two varieties that have a very "corky" bark that shows up early in the tree's life.  The Giant Fuyu (Gosho) Persimmon and the Izu Persimmon have this characteristic.

We grow persimmons in two and three year fields.  The three year fields give the 3/4" caliper and above sizes plus a few smaller sizes.  The two year fields provide the majority of the smaller caliper sizes.  Over the years we had a huge hue and cry about the Giant Persimmon looking "diseased" or a "bad graft" for the larger sizes which came from the three year fields.  Up to 50% were being returned.  We stopped growing the Giant Fuyu in the three year fields to stop this issue. This is why in the catalog you do not see the larger sizes listed for the Giant Fuyu Persimmon.


Since then we also started growing the Izu Persimmon.  It is worse than the Giant Fuyu as for showing rough, corky bark.  It even shows up in some years in the two year field crops.


Let me display some photos to show what these persimmons do naturally.  These are not diseased trees - this is normal.



Giant Fuyu (Gosho) Persimmon showing normal "corky" bark.  This has lead to concerns - but it is surface bark and not in the growth tissues.




Izu Persimmon showing normal, but rough looking, bark.


When you come to understand what is normal for some varieties then you can explain it and accept it.  We try to avoid the older trees of these two varieties so this corky bark does not show up on your receiving dock.  It does not mean you will not see it.  As these trees grow in your containers the rough bark will develop and you need to explain that it is normal to your retail customer.


Remember - the prize is the wonderful fruit and the tree has its ornamental value as well!